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*A Book Review*

The Purpose Driven Church

By Rick Warren

by Michael C. Gray

March 20, 2017

Rich Warren is a minister who started from scratch and built one of the largest churches in Orange County, California, without recruiting members from other churches. He teaches other church leaders how to build their own membership.

In The Purpose Driven Church, Rick Warren explains his philosophy and how he built a strong, growing church.

Why should someone who is not interested in religion want to study this book? Many businesses can be modified to be "membership" organizations. Customers can have stronger relationships with businesses as "members". With some imagination, The Purpose Driven Church can be used as a model for building a membership organization.

The purpose of Saddleback Church was built around what he calls the Great Commitment and the Great Commandment in the Bible:

Rick Warren started by going out in the community, door to door, just to meet people and find out what their concerns were. He used this information to craft his message to the community.

He started small, meeting in homes, then school auditoriums, and then building the church. The church was designed to be functional, not fancy.

Rick Warren chose to dress informally, like the people he was talking to, and not in a suit and tie. He was avoiding creating barriers to involvement. He also invited people to come to church dressed informally.

His message was to invite people who weren't already members of other churches. He attracted individuals who weren't "believers" but were seeking help with life's problems and who were looking to join a community to join. The messages for this group would be given at Sunday services.

Rick Warren built a core leadership and membership group. He encouraged them to be an active part of the ministry of the church. The messages for this group would be given at Wednesday services.

I heartily recommend this book to anyone interested in marketing or building a church or other membership organization.

Buy it on Amazon: The Purpose Driven Church: Every Church Is Big in God's Eyes.

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