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High Performance Habits

By Brendon Burchard

*A Book Review*

by Michael C. Gray

© 2021 by Michael C. Gray

High Performance Habits revisits the subject of successful living, like Think and Grow Rich and Seven Habits of Highly Effective People.

This new slant is supported by twenty years of research and Brendon Burchard's experience as a high performance coach. The objective is to identify what it takes to become not just an achiever, but a high performer - someone who creates ever-increasing levels of both well-being and external success over the long term.

Burchard shows that grit, willpower, practice and your "natural" strengths and talents aren't enough to take you to the next level.

Areas to work on include Personal Habits and Social Habits.

    The Personal Habits are:

  1. Seek Clarity
  2. Generate Energy
  3. Raise Necessity
  4. The Social Habits are:

  5. Increase Productivity
  6. Develop Influence
  7. Demonstrate Courage

Burchard was moved to make more of his life when recovering from a serious automobile accident injury. He developed a personal mantra. Live. Love. Matter.

Burchard's approach includes a free online self-assessment. He encourages the reader to repeat the self-assessment from time to time to find out how the reader is progressing.

Each chapter also includes self-examination questions, performance prompts and exercises, so High Performance Habits is actually a self-improvement workbook. (A performance prompt is a phrase to be completed by the reader, like "To leave a lasting legacy, the contributions I can start making now are...")

I found High Peformance Habits to be a thought-provoking, enjoyable book to read and work with, and recommend that you give it a try.

A problem with books like this is our tendency to jump from one to another. "Try this one." "Try that one." "Shiny object syndrome." I think it's best to find one success guideline book that appeals to you, choose that one and stick with it.

Buy it at Amazon: High Performance Habits: How Extraordinary People Become That Way.

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