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*A Book Review*

The Power Point

By Michael Gerber

by Michael C. Gray

July 30, 2004

To Michael Gerber, a business should be a work of art. Experiencing an interaction with a business should be exciting for the customer, suppliers, lenders and employees (the Four Primary Influencers) like experiencing a well made, well tuned racing car.

A business shouldn't be just a way of making a living. It should be a means of enriching the lives of everyone involved with it.

According to Michael Gerber, a business can only succeed to the dgree that it gives each and every one of its Four Primary Influencers MORE than they can expect from any one of its competitors.

"The Power Point–the Position of One–is that locus of energy, that fusion of attention created when a good idea attracts to itself the self-interests of customers, employees, suppliers, and lenders alike with an equal, active, intensely interested force, which then moves out into the world to attract more force which, in turn, moves out into the world to attract even more force, thus growing and expanding and exploding with a power unrivaled by its competitors."

The process of achieving the Power Point involves defining the meaning of the business and then implementing five essential skills. The five skills are concentration, discrimination, organization, innovation and communication.

The business must establish four categories of preference as they are experienced by each of the four primary influencers. The categories are Visual Preferences, Emotional Preferences, Functional Preferences and Financial Preferences.

To create a Power Point company, the founders must already have a Power Point Perspective. They must be pragmatic idealists who are driven to achieve perfection in their business. Think of Walt Disney's obsession with cleanliness at Disneyland and perfection in his cartoon features.

After reading this material, you know that Michael Gerber is an idealist about business and wonder how much of this can be achieved in the "real world". If a requirement for starting a business is to be an obsessed genius, there would be far fewer businesses serving the public. To take this in the right spirit, remember Saint Augustine's motto–"Perfection is in the striving."

For a true-life story of "growing yourself broke", Gerber shares the story of his own consulting business. He franchised the "E-Myth consulting" concept. The business grew and was profitable, but sucked up cash and was unable to pay its creditors. He bought out most of the franchisees and restructured the business. At the time he wrote The Power Point, he and his wife were still digging themselves out of the hole they had created.

Michael Gerber is an inspirational visionary who has pointed the way to create a business that works for you instead of just creating a job for yourself. I highly recommend that you study this material and evaluate how to implement it in your own business to bring more value to yourself, your customers, your suppliers and your lenders.

Buy it on Amazon: The Power Point.

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