Napoleon Hill said, "A goal is a dream with a deadline." Without the deadline, the dream will probably just remain a dream.
Who remembers a bar graph?
...tell a personal interest story that can be used as a metaphor for the situation that you're dealing with.
PT Barnum Lives!
The conductor had wisely used a strategy to attract an audience widely used many years ago, the circus parade!
A dentist’s office with a locked front door
Paddi Lund decided to make new rules of engagement for his dental practice.
It ain’t necessarily so
When you see a claim that what’s “tried and true” doesn’t work anymore, it ain’t necessarily so.
For fanatical customers, stand for something
Basically it means building a community devoted to one or more emotionally-charged common causes.
Keep your nose clean while marketing your product or service
This article is about how to keep out of trouble while selling more.
Our most precious, yet undervalued, asset
One truly limited asset that can't be replaced is time. If it's lost or wasted, it's simply gone.
Make your customers celebrities to grow your business – and maybe theirs, too!
Why not initiate “customer of the month” as part of your company’s marketing plan immediately?
Thank you!
Think about how you would feel if you received a handwritten thank you note. Wouldn't you want to do even more to please that person?