Helping small business owners develop extraordinary businesses that really work for their customers, their employees, themselves and their families


The ideal position of a business is to have deal flow — a steady stream of customers coming to the business seeking its products or services.

When a business desperately pursues customers, clients or patients (for this discussion, “customers”), customers have the power to dictate price and the terms of the transaction. When a steady stream of customers seek out a business to solve their problems, the power shifts to the business to dictate price and the terms of the transaction.

When you are not desperate to make this sale, the customer becomes more appreciative that your time is valuable and becomes a little concerned you may not be available. Marketing guru Dan Kennedy calls this “take away selling.” The customer wants what you have to offer, and is afraid he or she can’t get it. Not many people seek the guru at the bottom of a mountain. So the value of what you have to offer increases and your customer wants to do business with you because you don’t have to make this sale. Your closing ratio and income should improve when you can say … “Next!”

There is also an emotional consideration for the business owner. If you (the business owner) miss this sale, even if it seems significant, you won’t be emotionally destroyed. Simply say, “Next!” and focus on helping the next prospective customer.

If a customer is incompatible with you or your employees, you can politely invite that customer to go elsewhere because you know nature abhors a vacuum, and that former customer’s place will be filled with another customer. “Next!”

Here is a crucial role of marketing in a business. It allows an entrepreneur to gain control of his or her destiny and find personal freedom and peace of mind.

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Helping small business owners develop extraordinary businesses that really work for their customers, their employees, themselves and their families