Helping small business owners develop extraordinary businesses that really work for their customers, their employees, themselves and their families

Planning how to overcome obstacles is essential

When planning to achieve a goal, identifying the obstacles for doing so and how to overcome them is an essential step.

Although fans of books and movies like The Secret might think visualizing a goal and ardently desiring it are enough to manifest it, that’s usually not the case for something very significant.

At least as much thought and energy should be devoted to identifying and planning to overcome obstacles as to identifying and defining the goal.

Even taking an ambitious vacation takes some serious planning and activities to make it happen, like studying your destination, identifying points of interest, making travel reservations, packing appropriate clothing, packing medications, packing snacks and or meals, getting passports, visas, and vaccinations, etc.

Similarly for business goals. What regulations have to be dealt with? What tax identification numbers and reports are required? What labor laws apply? What are safety concerns for employees and customers? What contracts or agreements should be created to avoid future misunderstandings and litigation? How will financing be raised? Are other people’s assets available for a joint venture, for rent, or for licensing? How will the venture be promoted? Is there an interested audience? What patents and trademarks should be applied for? What is the competitive environment?

You’ll make your journey to achieving your goal much smoother and more pleasant by planning for the details of the journey in advance.

Do you need a sounding board for planning to achieve your goal? Send me an email at to schedule an initial consultation.

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