Helping small business owners develop extraordinary businesses that really work for their customers, their employees, themselves and their families

Thank you!

A handwritten thank you note can be a very effective way to build a relationship and can be used in many different contexts.

It is a very personal expression of appreciation that is seldom used, so it can have a big impact.

Think about how you would feel if you received a handwritten thank you note. Wouldn’t you want to do even more to please that person?

Wouldn’t you keep that letter to look at occasionally, and possibly even frame it and hang it on your wall?

Hand writing letters is a lost art. Hopefully your handwriting is legible enough to be processed at the post office when you hand-address the envelope. You want to give a personal expression, not a stiff “corporate” or “professional” communication. Using a commemorative postage stamp on the envelope adds even more interest for the person who receives your letter. A postage meter indicia on the envelope is a no-no!

What are some situations when it makes sense to write a thank you note?

  • When a customer makes a purchase.
  • When a vendor or service provider does an exceptional job.
  • When your spouse, significant other, or friend does something you appreciate.
  • When you have a great experience working with someone.
  • When an employee does a great job. (They might walk two inches above the carpet!)
  • When you learn something from someone that will have an impact in your life or business.
  • When you have a fascinating conversation with someone.
  • When you share a memorable experience, like a cruise or a travel tour.
  • Anytime somebody does something nice for you.

Why not make it a “game” to be alert for opportunities to express appreciation? Be a “good finder”!

Handwritten thank you notes can be a “social lubricant” to help you make more friends and build your business with customers and employees who feel appreciated.

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Helping small business owners develop extraordinary businesses that really work for their customers, their employees, themselves and their families