Helping small business owners develop extraordinary businesses that really work for their customers, their employees, themselves and their families

The value of making connections

In the “old days” before personal computers, business consultants used to have this thing called a Rolodex.

It’s a type of rotating card file. You punched holes in business cards or other cards, attached them to the file and you turned a handle to find the card with contact information that you were looking for.

Today we do the same thing with contact relationship management (CRM) software, applications or systems.

Do you remember when you moved to a new neighborhood and asked your neighbors and co-workers for a referral to a good doctor, dentist, or CPA?

Well-connected consultants or friends are extremely valuable. They can save you time and money when seeking a product or service. They might help you “find a home” for an item you no longer want to keep. Sometimes they can help you get connected with a banker or venture capitalist when you’re seeking financing for your business.

You can be that valued “center of influence” for others.

Some our most valuable “assets” are our relationships with others. We should be “collectors” of people, know how they help others, and organize that information so that we can find it when needed.

When you meet someone, think of a valuable connection you can facilitate for that person. This is a great “deposit” for your “emotional bank accounts” with them and with the person you connect them to.

They might even return the favor.

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Helping small business owners develop extraordinary businesses that really work for their customers, their employees, themselves and their families