Helping small business owners develop extraordinary businesses that really work for their customers, their employees, themselves and their families

These words will always get a reader’s attention

A reader’s name will always get their attention, if only for a moment.

The reader thinks, “Is this message for me?” and looks or listens to find out if it is.

We are so attuned to our name, we can hear it whispered in a crowd.

One of the most valuable skills that a salesperson or business leader can have is to remember names, associate them with faces, and use them in conversations. Wouldn’t you rather hear your name from a salesperson than “Sir”, “Ma’am” or “Miss”? Are you offended when an acquaintance can’t remember your name? Aren’t you embarrassed when you can’t remember someone’s name when you meet them on another occasion?

One of the great things we can do with technology is to be able to pull a name from a database and insert it into a document or an email. This capability isn’t used as much as it should be.

If you receive two letters without other writing on the envelope, one addressed to “Occupant” or “Business Owner” and the other hand addressed with your name, what will you do with them? Wouldn’t the envelope without your name go in the trash, and won’t you probably open the one addressed with your name to see if there’s an important message inside?

According to copywriting guru John Carlton, who has created thousands of marketing messages, his clients have experienced a 30% increase in response in letters just by personalizing the salutation. Instead of reading “Dear Friend”, Jane Smith reads “Dear Jane Smith.”

I read a story about two advertising writers. Let’s call the younger writer John Smith and the older, more experienced writer Susan Smart.

John says to Susan, “Nobody reads long sales letters anymore. They are too impatient.”

Susan replies, “I can write a long letter that I can guarantee you will read from beginning to end.”

John says, “You’re on! I bet $100 you can’t!”

Susan says, “The headline for the letter is, ‘This letter is all about John Smith.'”

John, defeated, says, “You win!”

As you write or review a marketing communication to a prospective customer, ask the question, “How can I make what I am writing (or this message) all about the customer?”

The customer doesn’t care about your products, services or company, except how what you offer helps them solve their problems, achieve their desires, or improve the lives of themselves and their loved ones.

Would you like our help writing messages that get the attention of your customers or prospective customers? To arrange an initial consultation, write Michael Gray at

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(c) 2019 by Michael Gray

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